Adjustments Tailored to you
Why are so many different techniques practiced at our office? When Dr. Roden went through school, she recognized that people do not follow “one adjustment fixes all.” So in order to help as many people as possible, Dr. Roden learned as many techniques as she could, to make sure she had a fully stocked toolbox, when it comes to adjusting.
Techniques Utilized at Our Office
● Full Spine/ Diversified- Precise chiropractic care delivered through manual hands-on adjustments.
● Activator Technique- The activator technique is delivered by a handheld, spring-loaded, adjusting instrument, that delivers a gentle impulse into the spine or extremities. Due to the gentle nature of an activator adjustment, it makes this technique ideal for those who may be apprehensive about getting adjusted, as
well as infants and children. The activator technique can be used to treat anything
from low back pain to constipation in children and is especially favored for
individuals with fibromyalgia and migraines.
● Webster Technique- The number one reason an expecting mother seeks or is
referred for Webster analysis is due to a breech/malpositioned baby. Although
mothers undergoing the Webster technique have an incredible success rate with
their babies turning to the correct position, it is important to note why the baby
went from breech to head down and what other benefits the Webster technique
offers. Chiropractors performing the Webster technique do NOT turn babies.
Through a Webster analysis, we are able to locate and correct sacral and sacroiliac
joint dysfunction “subluxations”, and by doing so neuro-biomechanical function in
the pelvis is facilitated.
So what does this have to do with helping a breech baby?
The most common reason an infant is in the breech position has to do with a lack
of room in the pelvis. In short, Webster corrects the pelvis and provides the
infant with optimal room and conditions to rotate its head down into the birth canal.
*Important note- When undergoing Webster Analysis and adjustments, infants in
the “transverse lie” position often rotate to complete breech before rotating head
“Cephalic” down.
Not only can misalignments in the pelvis and sacrum cause a baby to present in
the breech position, but these misalignments can also affect labor and delivery for
infants in the head-down “Cephalic” position.
The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association states, “Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor
for the mother (i.e., dystocia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic
contraction, and baby mal-presentation. Correction of sacral subluxation may
have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.”
● Thompson Technique- is a full-spine adjusting technique that emphasizes
high-velocity, low amplitude, and some low-force procedures using a drop
table as an indispensable adjunct.
● Sacral Occipital Technique- SOT is a chiropractic technique developed to
restore a functional relationship between the head, the pelvis, and the
spine. This technique utilizes blocking of the pelvis, which is determined
by a specific category system.